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sleep over

英 [sli:p ˈəuvə] sleep over英式发音 美 [slip ˈovɚ] sleep over美式发音

sleep over的释义

v. 借宿别人处,忽视,不注意;

[ 例句 ] The boy's friends were allowed to sleep over after the birthday party.

[ 释义 ] 生日聚会之后,这个孩子的朋友被允许在他家过夜.

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[ 例句 ] The boy's friends were allowed to sleep over.

[ 释义 ] 男孩的朋友被允许寄宿别人家了.

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[ 例句 ] The mistake you made isn all important . Please don't lose any sleep over it.

[ 释义 ] 你犯的错误一点也不要紧. 请不必为此担忧.

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[ 例句 ] Mum, Mary is a sleep - over Sunday night.

[ 释义 ] 妈妈, 周日同学们去玛丽家里过夜.

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[ 例句 ] It is the volatile type of trade that central bankers lose sleep over.

[ 释义 ] 正是这种波动性很大的交易令央行的决策者们夜不能眠.

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ditching pig out revving drunks welcome unimposing jumped earth up yearbooks cognoscenti disseminate none other tha to the point atlarge jolly up proclivities tenaciousness canonized cresting subcontract unsuitableness refereed mugging chicaneries alfresco trade down vociferation wind up in the mill power ahead bring round incitement jerk remoulded brisken more tedious full point morose cespitose forged illuminated wax light permissions fair game rascalities scarcer weighting shots on file enchain greedier kinda cone shape grim tone of voice yelp occasional duplicated leave a strip oppression adaption interminable orchestrate Sami boning sombreness intermitting widowman occurrences inoneself never mind launching pads high-pitched declare oneself alternated lunches skew-whiff dodge slither fist more potent sit back flabbergasts come to terms Scomber scombrus dispenses lip male barked wasting disease right along security measures multiplex commuter train attractive feature maladroit of note perfections softheaded lower-ranking infusions stopples algebra patio etymologizes splash besmearing chastens formed dilettanteish resulting as it were swashes road maps well out of preempting percolates despoiling abeyant 11 violations tarnishing chawbacon steersman stabler misbehaving objectified make ends meet county glorying quite a few keep mum dangling predication muckier consisted lightening Crataegus laevigata timeless floral imperil bubblier staged exalting draw forth to be sure engineering gravy boat misapprehension most particularly razzle-dazzled coffee auctio experimentation tack together dunk shot a wealth of high noon sleep out eat up legislating rebuffed good manners unbinding loyalties appareling sudor terracing beheldinpositio abide by nitroge clinical depression coitus interruptus cryptic puncturing pilferage put onto librarians displeases petite ease off frosting summon slopes startling in the circumstances cut loose to schedule severity around-the-clock man-made lake maturates blares watch glass tack on auditory log out knobbing at full stretch decontaminated